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Dec 10 Observer Radio: Bryan Alvarez and Dave Meltzer talk death of Shane Del Rosario, full report from Raw Monday night, Bryan’s live thoughts, what happened after it ended, awesome final segment, AJ Styles and his future, New Japan news, more!

  • F4W Staff

Wrestling Observer Radio with Bryan Alvarez returns today to talk all the news in wrestling and mixed martial arts including the passing of Shane Del Rosario, a full report from Raw Monday night, which Bryan attended live, all the matches and segments including an amazing final ten minutes, what happened after the show went off the air, Tokyo Sports voting and the Tokyo Dome main event, AJ Styles and what’s happening with TNA, your questions and more! A fun show as always so check it out~!

https://media001.f4wonline.com/dmdocuments/121013wo.mp3 audio/mpeg a:1:

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