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WOL: Tons of news, fan beatings, Ali vs. Inoki book with Josh Gross, more!

Ali vs. Inoki: The Forgotten Fight That Inspired Mixed Martial Arts and Launched Sports Entertainment

Wrestling Observer Live with Bryan Alvarez and Mike Sempervive returns today with tons to talk about! We’ve got news on Rock getting a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, update on Ryan Jimmo hit-and-run incident, WWE in Honolulu, whether you should control or lay a beating on fans who hit the ring, plus Josh Gross appears to talk this new book on Ali vs. Inoki! A fun show as always so check it out~!

Ali vs. Inoki: The Forgotten Fight That Inspired Mixed Martial Arts and Launched Sports Entertainment

https://media001.f4wonline.com/dmdocuments/063016wol.mp3 audio/mpeg a:1:

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