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Wrestling Weekly: Rock ‘n’ Roll Express, Lio Rush, Mick Foley

The Rock ‘n’ Roll Express, Lio Rush, Mick Foley, and Joey Ryan are all on the list of topics for today. Vic Sosa is going to see Ricky and Robert at House of Hardcore tonight, so Les Thatcher shares a few thoughts and memories of the Express.

WON Hall of Fame ballots are being sent out soon, so we’ll touch on a couple of candidates, including one or two who are brand new to the ballot. Our mailbag was overwhelmed with questions about Mick Foley and Joey Ryan as well as Lio Rush and the spot where he no-sold a powerbomb through a table, so we’ll discuss that and answer a question about the right length for a wrestling show given that we have a six-hour SummerSlam right around the corner.

Thanks for listening and have a great weekend~!

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