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Wrestling Weekly: Revisiting Misawa vs. Kawada, getting over/going over

Inspired by Dave Meltzer’s rewatching of Misawa vs. Kawada, Les Thatcher and Vic Sosa gave it another look and discuss whether or not that match could get over today and if so, under what circumstances. 

After a few words on the late Rex King, Les offers a different look at Misawa vs. Kawada (4:00); specifically how and why it could get over in 2017, and conversely why much of what WWE is offering on its flagship show isn’t getting all that over. We also talk about Bully Ray and Road Dogg’s tweets on “getting over” and “going over,” (25:58) which is kind of related to the discussion that preceded it.

Then we’ll open up the mailbag to talk about how to drop some of those pounds you may have put on over the holidays (46:23), John Cena being a troll on Instagram (48:40), Magnum TA (51:44), Greg Peterson & Mike Paidousis (55:28), how to give tag team specialists credibility when facing top names thrown together as a team (57:53), why the WWE UK title tournament wasn’t plugged on Raw (65:14), and locker room politics back in the day (70:33).

Thanks for listening and have a great weekend~!

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