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Wrestling Weekly: Blackjack Mulligan Memories, Roman, AJ, Y2J

Les and Vic return this week with a ton of great stories about the late, great Blackjack Mulligan. Les went back with Blackjack to his first run in the Carolinas and shares a lot about what made Mulligan great. Les goes in depth on Blackjack’s promos, his ability to sell, an conversation that took place when Blackjack, Ric Flair and Jim Crockett bought into the Knoxville territory about something the opposition promotion nearly did that would’ve ended badly and some personal stories about socializing with Blackjack back in the day. Near the end of the Blackjack talk, the conversation begins to shift towards WWE and why most guys today aren’t nearly as over as Blackjack but fully turns into a modern wrestling conversation when Les talks about the legends (28:35) who some felt stole the spotlight at Wrestlemania. From there, we’ll discuss some of the things some casual fans were saying at the Mania viewing party Les attended, feeling bad for Charlotte during her promo Monday night and fans hijacking shows. Vic jumps in (38:09) with his take on Roman/HHH, float a theory as to why the headscratching booking of AJ Styles and Chris Jericho took place this week, is AJ as over as he should be at this point and make a case that as good as Charlotte is, the wrong woman won the triple threat this past Sunday. Thanks for listening and have a great weekend~!

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