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Wrestling Weekly: Balls Mahoney, Killing Stipulations, Return of the Mighty Mailbag~!

Les and Vic are online a day early because Les is headed to New Orleans to conduct a weekend wrestling training camp, so we start the show discussing what goes on at one of these camps over the course of a weekend. After that, Les will share some memories of working with the late Balls Mahoney (17:30) from his days as Boo Bradley in Smoky Mountain Wrestling. We’ll open the mailbag (29:29) and answer your questions on how often a wrestler can be repackaged before his/her career is beyond repair, is AJ Styles (44:42) in a roundabout way teaching guys to take less chances? In honor of Shane losing and Mania and running Raw anyway, another memorable killing of a stipulation Les was witness to (54:34), how can anyone take WWE seriously after seeing the Wrestlemania stipulation killed (56:31), and is Bray Wyatt too cool a heel to be effective at this point (70:37)? We’ll give our takes on those, as well as discuss a few likes and dislikes about this week’s edition of Raw along the way. Thanks for listening and we hope you have a great weekend~!

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