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Oct. 8 Doc Young’s Wrestling Weekly: Les vs. HHH & Dave Meltzer in a handicap match, & more~!

Well, now we’ve gone and done it. If Les isn’t here next week, you’ll know why after you listen to this show. Will Strause, Victor Sosa and the aforementioned Les Thatcher discuss ROH, the improved focus of TNA, and from there, WWE’s “no confidence” angle and the article in the most recent Observer featuring quotes from HHH straight from WWE magazine. Les not only cuts an impassioned promo about what HHH had to say, but takes on Big Dave Meltzer himself, and talks about why he believes one specific and important thing Dave said is off the mark and why. Along the way, there are some fascinating stories about why Steamboatmania never ran wild in WWE, & Les very nearly donning the tuxedo in Stamford for Saturday morning interviews. All hype aside, Les delivers some MUST LISTEN STUFF here.

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