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Oct. 22 Doc Young’s Wrestling Weekly: Doc update, Lots on TNA, WWE PPV Preview, T-Shirts~!

No, you don’t get a t-shirt for listening, but you will get a cool story about how the wrestling t-shirt business got started. Will Strause remains on assignment, so Victor Sosa and Les Thatcher discuss the aforementioned history lesson on how wrestling shirts came to be, along with all the week’s tv offerings from ROH, WWE & a lot of TNA discussion. Championships may not matter in TNA (or almost anywhere else, really), but Vic will tell you why he feels TNA sent the message that the one thing they do care about, their tv show, doesn’t matter either. There’s also an update on Doc, tales of running the roads of Charlotte with Jerry Brisco and the Vengeance PPV predictions!

Please note a couple of things: there’s some TNA spoiler talk that is not prefaced by a SPOILER ALERT, so if you don’t want to know, skip from 21:14 to 21:59. Also, Doc very much appreciates any words of encouragement you want to share with him, and you can reach him at docyoung999@hotmail.com!

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