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Nov. 12 Doc Young’s Wrestling Weekly: TNA PPV Prediction Hilarity, No Love for WWE, tons more~!

Victor Sosa rejoins Will Strause and Les Thatcher for this week’s show which (thankfully) doesn’t spend a whole lot of time on WWE, although Les helpfully points out an item they’re selling that should really be moving off the shelves on their site. We’ll also touch on Kamala’s health woes, ROH and some of the tv related things they need from Sinclair to gain any traction, Impact and the PPV prediction game for Turning Point on Sunday night. You didn’t know there was a TNA PPV Sunday? Don’t worry; it’s been booked like they didn’t know either. Show kind of goes off the rails at that point, thanks to Will’s wacky predictions and Les channeling some Russo-riffic booking ideas.

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