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Jan 23 Doc Young’s Wrestling Weekly: Rumble Predictions, Mailbag, #DeflateGate and more~!

With the Royal Rumble this weekend and our prediction game this is a modern era heavy show, but it’s GIANT SIZED and a lot of fun!  Vic and Les play the PPV Prediction Game, discuss episode 1 of New Japan on AXS TV, NJPW’s domination of the Observer Awards and how big a deal is the Patriots deflating these footballs anyway?  We’ll also answer your questions on the wackiest character Les ever wrestled, Cincinnati Bengals who could’ve become wrestlers, an AWESOME story about one of the craziest things Les ever saw take place between a heel and the crowd in a match he was in, and yes, Les’ take on HHH breaking character to console that little boy on Raw this past Monday.


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