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Feb 9 Doc Young’s Wrestling Weekly: Bruno, Bret on HHH, PED’s in sports, more~!

The topic du jour this week is the return of Bruno Sammartino to the WWE fold, and there’s plenty of discussion on that in this edition of Doc Young’s Wrestling Weekly. Somehow Les Thatcher & Victor Sosa managed to spend the first 18 or so minutes on the Super Bowl, soccer’s match fixing scandal, Alex Rodriguez being investigated for PED’s and their place in sports. The talk about drugs in sports leads into talk about the return of Bruno Sammartino to WWE, why HHH says Bruno is a real asset to the current WWE roster and more. Also covered: Bret Hart’s comments on HHH, TNA leaving the Impact Zone, and more~! If you’re in the northeast USA and you’re snowed in, a fine show to shovel to. Have a great weekend~!

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