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WOL: Sempervive & Stern on The Last Battle of Atlanta

Wrestling Observer Radio was back over the Sports Byline airwaves Tuesday with Mike Sempervive being joined by our own Karl Stern to talk about our feelings on the release of the LAST BATTLE OF ATLANTA — the final match between Tommy Rich and Buzz Sawyer on October 23, 1983.

Considering you’re just getting a match of great lore plopped into your laps on the WWE Network without much (actually without any) context at all, Karl and Mike try and explain what was going on around it, how it got to that point, and why the blow-off to it was so significant.

We only scratch the surface, but we hope we can help explain a little bit more on why this release is such a significant deal to so many older, or hardcore historical, fans.

Note that this version contains Byline’s commercial spots. We will update with a commercial free version ASAP.

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