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September 20 2006 Adam and Mike Show

In today’s edition, BELIEVE~! that you will get kayfabulous knowledge from across the globe. LISTEN~! as Mike has a message for anyone complaining that the GHC title was defended on American soil. HEAR~! two men nitpicking about people who nitpick. JOIN~! the Danielson Appreciation Society. FEEL~! what it must be like for Rosey to be dressed up as a bag of Jiffy Pop. BET~! on our picks for the Hughes-Penn fight. EXPERIENCE~! what it must be like for Adam to do a show with Mike, as he’s distracted by Craig Mack songs on Sirius. And much more… well, STUFF~! right here at the BIG FIGURE. It’s the SEATTLE BIG BATTEL hangover edition of the BIG AUDIO NIGHTMARE~!

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