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May 21 2009 Adam and Mike Show

The original alternate has returned with 100-plus minutes, yes 100-plus, of eclectic audio awesomeness. This week’s topics include, but aren’t limited to: 30 minutes of Clint Malarchuk Death Matches, Hockey, Adventures in WOL, Coast To Coast AM, Sirius/XM programming, Mr. Fred the Politician, NIGEL BENN, hopes for Ashley Judd and Danica Patrick, and LEFT TURN; followed by 50 minutes of Mori opening the Owari Gate, AJ at Korakuen, The Araya Appreciation Society and how he should retire, KENTA’s Crossroads Produce Market, GO’AH Shiozaki, O-Pro’s possible sleeper MOTY candidate, Francoise’s panties, and more; followed by (it just keeps coming) a 35 minute match-by-match preview of the awesome New Japan Best of the Super Juniors league. Yep, this one’s like the audio equivalent of a Peter North money shot; It’s the Adam & Mike BIG AUDIO NIGHTMARE~! Proudly here at DaveMeltzer.com.

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