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Jan. 29th Adam & Mike Show: WON Awards, discussion of NJPW and WWE biz models, latest in Japan~!

The original alternate here at the Grappling Spectator Bulletin has returned to use a most common recent subject as our muse: The year-end awards with topics including, but not limited to: defending both the newsletter and Tanahashi, the Thesz/Flair, most outstanding, flying, and worked matches of the year, voting for promotions who are laying questionable ground work, the things that worked always work – and always will, NJPW > ROH, Brodus, Dolph Ziggler, the homogenized muddle of men who are log-jammed underneath Cena & Orton, what Tanahashi has in common with Morrison & Drew, Nagata options in hindsight, do most ROH fans reside here?, D-Gate, two recommendations from All Japan, Alan & Dean kudos, and much more. It’s the radio show that can appreciate slimy, poorly coiffed, people like Kenny Omega; It’s the Adam & Mike BIG AUDIO NIGHTMARE~! Proudly here at F4WOnline.com.

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