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December 16 2009 Adam and Mike Show

The original alternate has returned this week, and once again there’s no hockey. Nope, we can’t figure out how that happened, either. But, we do spend 75 minutes talking about topics that include, but aren’t limited to: a meeting of the minimally populated Muhammad Yone Appreciation Society, being in the wrestling bubble, spite for spite’s sake, Sports Good-bye Line USA, predictions on the awesome New Japan Super J Cup, support the NJ on HDNet push, a look at the announced matches for Wrestle Kingdom at the Tokyo Dome, and a host BATTEL~! over Nakamura-Takayama that night. It’s the radio show that still can’t believe Yoshi Tatsu won via KO on Raw (not that we’re complaining); It’s the Adam & Mike BIG AUDIO NIGHTMARE~! Proudly here at BryanAlvarez.com.

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