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August 28 2009 Adam and Mike Show

With another scheduled 45-minute show going 75, the original alternate has returned to talk about all of the greatness that (if only for one night) is Dramatic Dream Team. Yes, you read that correctly. This week’s topics include, but aren’t limited to: gushing over the 8,865 fans-to-gushing over the video packages-to-gushing over a http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q39/Hustle34/Bambi.jpg>BAMBI ATTACK- to-gushing over Danshoku… er, well you know what we mean. Anyway, if you don’t think this was big, the Faberge egg like-Masahiro Chono trusted POISON SAWADA JULIE to give him a SUPERPLEX for God’s sakes. Also, a Raw rant, Starrcade 1990 and how Canadian wrestlers were sent back years, the positive part to IWA Mid-South’s legacy (Punk, Danielson, Sydal, Styles, Claudio, etc.), Rey Mysterio a little to well, Tanahashi as Villano VI, UFC 102 thoughts, and much more. It’s the radio show trusts in Fighting Art as much as they did Fighting Opera; It’s the Adam & Mike BIG AUDIO NIGHTMARE~! Proudly here at DaveMeltzer.com.

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