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JNPO: Pro wrestling year in review – Triumph, tragedy & tribulations

JNPO: Pro wrestling year in review – Triumph, tragedy & tribulations

On the latest entry into my JNPO pro wrestling year in review series, it’s time to wrap up summer with a look at August, joined this time by Rich Kraetsch of Voices of Wrestling.

It truly was a month of triumph and tragedy as the wrestling world mourned the sudden passing of WWE star Bray Wyatt at just 36 years old — just a day after one of the greatest of all time — Terry Funk — passed away at 79 years old.

It was a triumphant month for AEW thanks to the success of All In at London’s Wembley Stadium — a show that grossed $10+ million in revenue and saw more than 70,000 fans come through the turnstiles.

However, as seemed to be the case with a lot of AEW success, there were tribulations as CM Punk got into a backstage skirmish with “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry just minutes before he was set to kick off the PPV. It would be Punk’s final AEW appearance and Rich & I dive into all the other Punk-related drama through the month.

Join us for this hour+ deep dive into everything that happened in WWE, AEW, Impact Wrestling, Japan, and more. 

I promise this is unlike any other year-end series you’ll hear or read, so catch up on the rest of the series in the archive.

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