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JNPO: Jon Alba on how to improve the wrestling media ecosystem

JNPO: Jon Alba on how to improve the wrestling media ecosystem

Jon joins Josh Nason to talk about the growing dissent between wrestlers and today’s wrestling media.

Heard a good story about wrestling media lately?

With each passing week, there is more and more grumbling from writers, podcasters, wrestlers and organizations about how the business is covered and discussed and how information is disseminated.

Can the wrestling media ecosystem be improved or are we all just doomed to endure an endless cycle of finger pointing?

Joining me on this week’s Punch-Out to talk about this is Jon Alba, the Emmy-award winning sports broadcaster, wrestling podcast host, and recent indie manager & behind-the-scenes consultant.

We set the table through a July 2022 interview AEW head Tony Khan did on Busted Open Radio where they discuss media issues.

Jon and I talk through the issues including why all outlets are not built the same, how social media gets sandwiched into the conversation, the importance of media literacy with fans and wrestlers, how media can better learn to conduct themselves, and why transparency from promotions would go a long way to helping curb issues before they start.

Also, we talk about Jon’s battles with mental health including this podcast he did with Matt Hardy about the subject in addition to his farewell to an indie crowd where he discussed his issues.

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