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Portland Wrestlecast: Jimmy Snuka’s early career in the Pacific Northwest

On this week’s Portland Wrestlecast, we dive into “Superfly” Jimmy Snuka’s Pacific Northwest career.

You probably know about his national career and the very serious allegations revisted against him recently on the Dark Side of the Ring documentary. While he didn’t start wrestling in Portland, Oregon, the Northwest territory played an important role in Snuka’s career.

Historian Matt Farmer joins me to talk about Snuka’s arrival in the early 70’s, what made him stand out, his feuds, tag team partners, drawing history, childhood memories, other wrestlers’ opinion on Jimmy and how he jumped off the top of a steel cage in Seattle years before he did it in Madison Square Garden.

We also give some memories of the late Scott Bowden who inspired the Portland Wrestlecast. 

Please tote that the allegations and controversies recently covered on Dark Side documentary are tragic and very serious, and this episode is not meant to glamorize Snuka but rather to offer perspective on his in-ring career.

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