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Pacific Rim: Fumi Saito’s version of AWA Tales from the Territories

Pacific Rim: Fumi Saito’s version of AWA Tales from the Territories

The Pacific Rim Pro Wrestling Podcast is back. 

When he was a teenager, Fumi Saito came to the United States as an exchange student in Minnesota. He covered and photographed the American Wrestling Association (AWA) for a Japanese wrestling magazine.

During that time, he became close friends with Adrian Adonis, Road Warrior Hawk, Jumbo Tsuruta, Masa Saito, and others. 

As a result, he has a unique, first-hand perspective on the recent AWA episode of Tales from the Territories. He even visited Mr. Saito while he was incarcerated for his role in the Ken Patera/McDonald’s incident. In this case, being in prison may not be what you imagine. 

This is an interesting show. Check it out.

https://www.f4wradio.com/podcast/PACIFICRIMAWATALES.mp3 68104597 audio/mpeg a:3:{s:8:"duration";s:7:"1:10:56";s:8:"explicit";s:1:"0";s:12:"itunes_image";s:94:"https://ik.imagekit.io/2ivcvn3ka/312344941_886356528940684_4813819432714968164_n_oUg87tmKo.jpg";}

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