Left My Wallet: Invictus Khash on AEW Dark experience, Iran upbringing

Left My Wallet: Invictus Khash on AEW Dark experience, Iran upbringing

Image: Invictus Khash

Left My Wallet is back with AEW Dark regular Invictus Khash who is training with QT Marshall at the Nightmare Factory and is an underrated worker that more fans should be talking about.

The Buddy Wayne trainee joins the show to talk about coming to America from Iran at age 10, soccer in Iran, stealing cable, and being introduced to wrestling when he first got here.

He then talks about his time learning and training under Wayne, having some of his first matches against Darby Allin, training with Rip Rogers and Negro Navarro, wrestling and training for Zero-One, and some fun stories from the road traveling and working with yours truly.

Khash is an amazing in-ring technician as evidenced by his matches on Dark against Bobby Fish, Allin, Shawn Spears, and this week’s match with Angelico. He has a fascinating story and journey that you’re going to want to hear about.

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