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Oct. 12 Figure Four Daily with TROUBLE KING Steve Corino: ROH, Cabana/Generico feud, ECW, Colby, etc

Figure Four Daily with Bryan Alvarez returns today with the one and only TROUBLE KING himself, Steve Corino! We’ll talk the year-long Corino & Steen vs. Generico & Cabana ROH feud, the big blow-off matches coming, who is helping put it together, ECW vs. ROH, Cornette vs. Heyman, Pearce vs. Delirious, favorite feuds, his son Colby’s career, getting death threats, and so much more. A really fun show, and don’t forget ROH on HDNet Monday nights at 8 ET!

https://media001.f4wonline.com/dmdocuments/101210daily.mp3 audio/mpeg a:1:

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