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NXT TakeOver Conference Call (June 7): HHH talks cruiserweight tourney, Hideo Itami, Brock

WWE COO and head of NXT Paul “HHH” Levesque talked to the media for nearly 45 minutes Tuesday on a variety of topics that included:

– A quick hit preview of Wednesday’s card

– Promising a lot of surprises & something we’ve never seen before presentation-wise with the upcoming cruiserweight tourney

– Thoughts on the upcoming draft, brand split, and how NXT could be affected

– Whether they are targeting the UK for talent

– Insight into how they plan their tours

– How the presentation for the cruiser tourney will be different

– Thoughts on Ali, Brock, a possible pipeline of talent to WWE from UFC, and more.

Click below to listen or right click to save:

https://media001.f4wonline.com/dmdocuments/nxtjune7call.mp3 audio/mpeg a:1:

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