FREE TODAY! June 13 Figure Four Daily: Bryan Alvarez interviews JOSEPH PARK, ESQ., about win over Bully Ray, law career, childhood growing up with his brother Chris (you know, Abyss), his law firm, future in Impact Wrestling, tons more!

Figure Four Daily with Bryan Alvarez returns today with a very special guest, straight off his Slammiversary pinfall victory over Bully Ray, JOSEPH PARK, ESQ~! So much to discuss including his time growing up with his brother Abyss, surviving what at times was a tumultuous childhood, his investigation into his brother’s disappearance, thoughts on his first-ever match and if he plans on getting back into the ring, the strength of Twitter in regards to his quest, his law firm in Chicago, and so much more. Best of all it’s FREE, so please post the link or file elsewhere and help spread the word about! And if you like what you hear, consider signing up for a subscription as Dave Meltzer and I do 3-4 shows per week in addition to the other 15-20 brand new shows, plus members have full access to our thousands of hours of audio and hundreds of new and archived Wrestling Observer and Figure Four Newsletters. It’s a steal, so sign up and join the fun! Only at

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