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Figure Four Daily: Lance Storm talks Big Business, Mercedes Mone, plus we break down the rating

Figure Four Daily: Lance Storm talks Big Business, Mercedes Mone, plus we break down the rating

Figure Four Daily with Bryan Alvarez and Lance Storm is back with tons to talk about including lots of thoughts on the Vince McMahon lawsut, AEW Big Business and the debut of Mercedes Mone, plus we get the ratings at the end of the show and discuss what they mean. A fun show as always so check it out~!

https://www.f4wradio.com/podcast/031424lance.mp3 43612364 audio/mpeg a:3:{s:8:"duration";s:7:"0:45:25";s:8:"explicit";s:1:"0";s:12:"itunes_image";s:62:"https://ik.imagekit.io/2ivcvn3ka/ginfbb1woaakd5g_ryk5x8ofh.jpg";}

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