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Figure Four Daily: Lance Storm on Impact, WCW memories, why wrestlers shouldn’t shoot Twitter angles

Figure Four Daily: Lance Storm on Impact, WCW memories, why wrestlers shouldn’t shoot Twitter angles

Lance also gives some thoughts on WWE business.

Figure Four Daily with Lance Storm and I is back with tons to talk about including Lance’s thoughts on WWE business, fallout from Sunday’s Impact Rebellion pay-per-view, why wrestlers should be banned from shooting their own angles on Twitter, plus his time in World Championship Wrestling. A fun show as always so check it out~!

https://www.f4wradio.com/podcast/041823lance.mp3 54441548 audio/mpeg a:3:{s:8:"duration";s:7:"0:56:42";s:8:"explicit";s:1:"0";s:12:"itunes_image";s:62:"https://ik.imagekit.io/2ivcvn3ka/ft7tfzfxwaakcgj_tNCogCK17.jpg";}

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