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DragonKingKarl Classic Wrestling Show: More ‘From Milo to Londos’

DragonKingKarl Classic Wrestling Show: More ‘From Milo to Londos’

Image: WWE

On this episode of my 1000 Hours subseries on the Pioneer Era, I wanted to look at one of the oldest books to talk about that time called From Milo to Londos which gave us a lot of information and also some misinformation.

If you’re here, buy my new DragonKingKarl Pioneer Era Pro Wrestling Omnibus: The Bible of the Pioneer Era of Pro Wrestling on Amazon, clocking in at 700 pages. This book was 25 years in the making with research of around 10,000 newspapers, books, and more. I believe it to be the most detailed look ever at pre-1900 pro wrestling in the United States. A Kindle version will be available soon.

Click Here to Listen (sub needed)

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