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DragonKingKarl Classic Wrestling July Marathon: Austin Idol

The women’s pet and the men’s regret is the topic of today’s show, Jackson! Even Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson recognized the incredible promo skills of Austin Idol and raved about him on the mic.  When you are recognized as a great promo by probably the greatest promo in the history of the business… well…that’s saying something.  

The master of the Las Vegas Leglock was a cross between Superstar Billy Graham and Ric Flair but in many ways almost cooler. “The Universal Heartthrob” was a big star in several regions of the country including the Southeast, Memphis, and Georgia. He even survived a plane crash! As a babyface, he was the coolest guy in the room, leading Idol’s Army against the heels. Idolmania was running wild before Hulkamania was. As a heel, he was incredible. He was often a bigger heel behind the scenes than he was in the ring. He once legit cashed a kayfabe battle royal check.

Today, host Karl Stern talks about some of the greatest Austin Idol moments including the legendary Idol and Tommy Rich battle with Paul Heyman against Jerry Lawler. The July Classic Wrestling Marathon rolls on!

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