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DragonKingKarl Classic Wrestling Marathon: Marty Jannetty

WWE Hall of Famer Shawn Michaels had an incredible career — easily one of the top ten of all history in pro wrestling — but what about the other half of the Midnight Rockers?

Early on, many thought Marty Jannetty might be the standout of the duo and he certainly had the skill. He began his career as Marty Oates, a kayfabe member of the Oates wrestling family from Georgia. So what happened? Where did it go wrong? Did it go wrong? He has had a wild career with many peaks and valleys and today, host Karl Stern, takes a look at the other Rocker: Marty Jannetty.

Reminder: the last day to buy the Super Stern Stick Flashdrive is Sunday! If you have not yet ordered this 16gb pro wrestling history flash drive with over 500 podcasts and around 500 pro wrestling documents, newsletters, and clippings, do so before time runs out for just $20 with free shipping worldwide. To order, visit Karl Stern’s website.

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