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DragonKingKarl Classic Wrestling July Marathon: “Bullet” Bob Armstrong

“Bullet” Bob Armstrong was the perfect babyface character for his era.

Back in a time when people still believed in babyfaces and hated heels, “Bullet” Bob was a firefighter and former Marine from Marietta, Georgia.  He spoke like others spoke, and he acted like you would expect him to act. He had a code of honor. In today’s cynical world, it’s hard to releate to a character like Armstrong, but in the 1960s through the early 1990s, it wasn’t that way.

As great of a babyface as Armstrong was, he was an even better heel. Though his heel run was short and, by his own admission, he did not like being a heel, he was honestly one of the best heels I ever saw.

On the latest entry into the Classic July Wrestling marathon, we will talk about a man who fathered another generation of wrestlers after him: Scott Armstrong (still a WWE referee to this day), Brad Armstrong (one of the best in ring wrestlers of his day), Steve Armstrong, and Brian “Road Dogg” James (a WWE agent today). Enjoy Karl Stern’s look at the career of “Bullet” Bob Armstrong!

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