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B&V&L: Retro Raw and NWA World Championship Wrestling!

The Bryan & Vinny & Lance Show is up today with tons to talk about! We’re catching up so we’ve got our review of the Retro Raw show from 19 years ago this week, the FINAL SHOW OF THE MILLENNIUM, with a pink slip on a pole match and more. Then, we’ll review NWA World Championship Wrestling from May 1988. A fun show as always so check it out~!

Start – 5:50: Paisley and G. Raffe
5:50 – 8:07: Did Jon Jones call out Granny? 
8:07 – 45:40: Retro Raw
45:40 – end: NWA

https://www.f4wradio.com/podcast/123018bvshow.mp3 audio/mpeg a:1:

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